Elevate AI News

Elevate AI News

Elevate AI News

Fighting Skin Disease With AI

At Dermie.AI, we’re dedicated to harnessing the synergy of skincare and technology for a healthier world. We’re developing a platform that empowers you to make informed decisions about your skin health, powered by Computer Vision. We’ll be talking about the challenges surrounding Skin Disease and how we have leveraged AI to monitor skin health at scale


Seeing the unseen - AI, ethics and the future

A panel of 4 experts discuss the future of AI and ethics and explore AI visibility and transparency.

Elevate AI Wins

EcoShift allows users to mint an EcoWallet, which is an NFT that functions as a crypto wallet.

EcoWallets reward transactions that benefit the environment and reduce the impact of transactions that hurt it.

Fully Automated Fact-Checking

Recently we have been working on a tool that can automatically fact-check claims from the UK media without any human input. This tool is capable of extracting the key information from a claim before looking up the relevant data and determining its veracity. I’ll be talking about how we combined deep learning with more traditional NLP techniques to create this cutting edge tool.

Worked on a tool that can automatically fact-check claims from the UK media without any human input. This tool is capable of extracting the key information from a claim before looking up the relevant data and determining its veracity.

Fight bad information with AI

Fight bad information with AI

Fight bad information with AI
